Monday, October 3, 2011

Trying to figure out what's what in the ever changing world of e-book devices

Trying to understand all the different devices for reading these days is an not easy task.  What is  the 'best' choice?  Trying to figure out where it lives in the food chain - the closed system like Kindle or an open like Nook?  For a consumer, a closed system makes things simple - for the industry an open system levels the playing field and has more options. The best thing I read last week (I can't recall from where) summed up the main device players nicely: 
  • The iPad is a tablet computer
  • The Nook is a tablet reading device
  • The new Kindle Fire is a tablet browser
Still - there is a lot to navigate.  I did add a link below from CNET - I have found their info useful. CNET Reviews: The Best eBook Readers

Lastly - I came across this article detailing the biggest difference the new Kindle offers and I thought that worthy of including here.

Amazon Silk - The biggest Kindle innovation is not hardware, it's software

By Adrian Kingsley-Hughes  September 28, 2011, 8:24am PDT

Summary: Amazon’s Silk ‘cloud-accelerated’ web browser is a game changer.

Lots of information coming out of Amazon.s Kindle press event today. There’s a new $79 Kindle, a WiFi Kindle Touch for $99, a 3G Kindle Touch for $149 and the new Kindle Fire tablet for $199.

But out of all this mouthwatering hardware, it’s a software innovation that interests me the most - it’s Amazon Silk?  What is Amazon Silk? Put simply, Amazon Silk is a mobile web browser that’s powered by Amazon’s colossal EC2 web services platform. According to Amazon, ‘Silk isn’t just another browser.’

All of the browser subsystems are present on your Kindle Fire as well as on the AWS cloud computing platform. Each time you load a web page, Silk makes a dynamic decision about which of these subsystems will run locally and which will execute remotely. In short, Amazon Silk extends the boundaries of the browser, coupling the capabilities and interactivity of your local device with the massive computing power, memory, and network connectivity of our cloud.

So, it’s a browser powered by cloud computing.  Amazon Silk is available exclusively for Kindle Fire users.




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